It Is Concerning We Aren't Taking The Threat Of Total Annihilation More Seriously
As the US Empire marches us to the most catastrophic global conflict imaginable, the masses blissfully sleepwalk into the fire.
Closer and closer the war hawks of the American empire march us toward cataclysmic global conflict. With Russia, with China, with Iran. They're flirting with that which threatens our entire species and it should be taken extremely seriously.
The concept of nuclear armed global superpowers duking it out with one another in a hot war is one that should send a chill down all of our collective spines. Even should such a conflict not go nuclear, the unprecedented amount of carnage, destruction, and suffering that will result from it will be worse than anything ever seen in humanities short time on this planet.
Yet by and large as tensions continue to mount and provocations continue to escalate the general public continues to remain remarkably docile. Either too desensitized or too disconnected from the seriousness of the matter at hand to understand the severity of how it can affect all of their lives.
The anti-war movement has unfortunately been dead and buried for some time now. That much is no secret. But one would think that even the most complacent of populations upon hearing their supposed leaders casually use terms such as “nuclear armageddon” would be enough to rouse them from their stupor for the briefest of moments to consider that perhaps what is going on in the geopolitical sphere requires some of their immediate attention, much less their immediate action considering the ineptitude of so called leaders.
Even if you believe the use of such a phrase is just another bumble by the dim witted commander in chief who can barely string together a coherent sentence is beyond the point. Things are escalating quickly and to a dangerous level.
We are constantly being fed by those in charge the most absurd of Orwellian double thinks; That nuclear brinkmanship keeps us safe and any calls for de-escalation and peace only put us in more danger. We are witnessing the Wolfowitz doctrine lead the charge. Completely unfettered and unrestricted.
Since the infamous machinations of Wolfowitz first made their way onto the political stage in 1992 it laid the foundation for the current state of the American empire forewarn so long ago by the likes of President Eisenhower and General Butler. It set us on a collision course of hostile unipolarism, underpinning an aggressive geostrategy of hegemonic preeminence directly facilitating the catastrophic conflicts which led to the destabilization of much of the Middle East, and the provocative expansion through Eastern Europe.
Now we are witnessing this same destructive doctrine drive us to the precipice of a potentially even more calamitous endeavor as nations refuse to submit to geopolitical conquest, and nationalistic hubris continues to drive US foreign policy.
The US empire and its desire for unipolar domination can at this point be likened to an abusive narcissistic spouse; “If I can't have her, then no one can!”, content with watching the world burn and going down with it rather than relinquishing its ill-gotten control.
We should not just be idly standing by perusing through the day as if all is well while war hungry psychopaths hold a gun to our collective heads. We should not be carrying on with business as usual while top ranking officials of the military industrial complex and the corporate media presstitutes which enable their war mongering propaganda are casually promoting the idea of a third World War as if it was just a typical Tuesday.
The propaganda machine has done its job of lulling the masses into an indolent indifference, while the information war has ensured that others remain are wholly indoctrinated to not only accept but demand their own self destruction.
We live in a time when demanding accountability from liars and promoting peace and détente over death and destruction is met with cult like scorn and hostility.

Where even the supposed anti war progressives tuck tail and run back into the arms of neocon imperialism at the slightest hint of disapproval from the establishment whom they pretend to oppose.

It should be made crystal clear that should such a conflict take place it is absolutely and unequivocally the result of decisions made by the US empire. Its decision to perpetuate an endless proxy war by design. It's refusal to see reason and pursue conflict in the name of exceptionalism.
Even if one were to believe this is all part of some globalist plot to further ensnare humanity in the ever burgeoning foundations of a one world government — That all this talk of global war, from Biden to Zelensky, to Putin, to Xi and so on are merely the empty Saber rattling’s of a carefully crafted narrative to instill fear in the public on behalf of said globalist agenda, the premise for mistakes and miscalculations to have devastating consequences are still gravely concerning.
Even guns loaded with blanks can still kill on occasion, and I for one would much rather not play this game of roulette and end up the Hutchins to their Baldwin.
As we walk hand in hand down the primrose path we have the ability to stand up against this and prevent it from happening. We can stand side by side in the name of peace and rationality for the future of our world. We can confront these psychopaths where they eat, where they sleep, and not give their offices one moment of reprieve until the collective voices of we the people force them to relent. But we must do it now.
"we have the ability to stand up against this and prevent it from happening. We can stand side by side in the name of peace and rationality for the future of our world."
Yes, i agree, but we must be better organised than they are. Is there a system available which can help potentially billions of people come together in consensus, a decentralised system with an anonymous concentrated consensus / voting mechanism utilising a Trusted Reputation system to avoid infiltration by bots and/or organised groups?
"We can confront these psychopaths where they eat, where they sleep, and not give their offices one moment of reprieve until the collective voices of we the people force them to relent. But we must do it now."
Confrontation, in person, or non-anonomously gives them targets.
We do not need (nor will be able) to persuade "them" to change thier nefarious ways. We need instead to create our own systems so we can stop using thier corrupt systems.
Could The Matrix-8 Solution enable humanity to break free from the chains of #ThePowersThatShouldntBe and help realise peace and abundance for all sentient beings?
i think so.
Please investigate brothers and sisters:
Sat Nam